Labsika Stick Level (Basic Level / Grundstufe)
Lektion I – Übungen (Exercises)
a) Körperübungen (Body Exercises)
b) Stockübungen (Stick Exercises)
Lektion II – Stellungen (Stances)
a) Neutrale Stellung (Natural Stance)
b) Gruß (Bowing/Saludo)
c) Kampf/Verteidigungsstellung (Fighting Stance)
d) Center Stance
e) Vorwärtige Stellung (Forward Stance)
f) Rückwärtige Stellung (Back Stance)
Lektion III – Stock Drills (Sticks Drilling)
a) Doppelstock Drills (Double Stick Drills)
b) Einzelstock Drills (Single Stick Drills)
Lektion IV – Unterrichtsmethodik (Method of Teaching)
a) 12 Grundschläge in Form (Delivery of the Twelve (12) Basic Strikes)
b) 12 Powerschläge in Form (Delivery of the Twelve (12) Power Strikes)
c) 12 grundlegende Verteidigungen und Basic-Schlag als Konter in Form (Execution of Twelve (12) Defense Position for the Twelve (12) Basic Strike)
d) 12 grundlegende Verteidigungen und Powerschlag als Konter in Form (Execution of Twelve (12) Defense Position for the Twelve (12) Power Strike)
Lektion V – Verteidigung und Konter Training (Defense and Offense Training)
a) Basic Strike without Pakgang or without using Stick to Stick Defense
b) At Random Strike without Pakgang or without using Stick to Stick Defense
c) Basic Strike with Pakgang or applying Stick to Stick Defense
d) At Random Strike with Pakgang or Applying Stick to Stick Defense
e) Defense and Offense Training with the Combination of Pakgang and without Pakgang in Basic and at Random Application
Lektion VI – Doppelstock Palakaw (Double Stick Defense and Offense Training)
a) Grundlegende Trainingsform (Basic Training Application)
b) Training in zufälliger Form (At Random Training Application)
Lektion I – Übungen (Exercises)
a) Körperübungen (Body Exercises)
b) Stockübungen (Stick Exercises)
Lektion II – Stellungen (Stances)
a) Neutrale Stellung (Natural Stance)
b) Gruß (Bowing/Saludo)
c) Kampf/Verteidigungsstellung (Fighting Stance)
d) Center Stance
e) Vorwärtige Stellung (Forward Stance)
f) Rückwärtige Stellung (Back Stance)
Lektion III – Stock Drills (Sticks Drilling)
a) Doppelstock Drills (Double Stick Drills)
b) Einzelstock Drills (Single Stick Drills)
Lektion IV – Unterrichtsmethodik (Method of Teaching)
a) 12 Grundschläge in Form (Delivery of the Twelve (12) Basic Strikes)
b) 12 Powerschläge in Form (Delivery of the Twelve (12) Power Strikes)
c) 12 grundlegende Verteidigungen und Basic-Schlag als Konter in Form (Execution of Twelve (12) Defense Position for the Twelve (12) Basic Strike)
d) 12 grundlegende Verteidigungen und Powerschlag als Konter in Form (Execution of Twelve (12) Defense Position for the Twelve (12) Power Strike)
Lektion V – Verteidigung und Konter Training (Defense and Offense Training)
a) Basic Strike without Pakgang or without using Stick to Stick Defense
b) At Random Strike without Pakgang or without using Stick to Stick Defense
c) Basic Strike with Pakgang or applying Stick to Stick Defense
d) At Random Strike with Pakgang or Applying Stick to Stick Defense
e) Defense and Offense Training with the Combination of Pakgang and without Pakgang in Basic and at Random Application
Lektion VI – Doppelstock Palakaw (Double Stick Defense and Offense Training)
a) Grundlegende Trainingsform (Basic Training Application)
b) Training in zufälliger Form (At Random Training Application)